What to do when it’s cold in Lot-et-Garonne
What to do when it’s cold in Lot-et-Garonne
8,3 km - Nérac
Weekend & Holidays
In Moncrabeau, the Peyroutet site is an Albret hill, near the Baïse. It was recently classified as a “Sensitive ...
3,3 km - Moncrabeau
Located since Antiquity in a populated area, Pomarède as it stands today was built in the 17th and 18th centuries. ...
3,3 km - Moncrabeau
It is the pearl of the Pays d'Albret. Life is peaceful and harmonious there, on the banks of the Baïse which flows ...
8,3 km - Nérac
To discover La Baïse and its tributaries, we advise you to go to Nérac. From this village, nicknamed "The Pearl of ...
8,3 km - Nérac
Le Fournil de Lamarque
Lieu dit Lamarque
4 routes de Lasserre
47600 Moncrabeau
44° 3'50.11"N, 0° 21'49.7"E
8,3 km - Nérac
Weekend & Holidays
8,3 km - Nérac
Not to be missed
8,3 km - Nérac
Culture and Heritage
8,3 km - Nérac
Rest and relaxation
8,3 km - Nérac
Rest and relaxation
From the entrance, admire our facsimile of a vintage Citroën vehicle, our gourmet "Food Truck", a veritable mine of ...
25,5 km - Agen
We are producers and processors of Agen prunes, the emblematic product of Lot et Garonne. We cultivate Plum d'Ente ...
36,0 km - Lafitte-sur-Lot